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The technology landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years. Every month new tools are emerging within social media, video, mobile technologies, etc. and tools to manage all the tools. With so many avenues available it is easy to get swept up
The technology landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years. Every month new tools are emerging within social media, video, mobile technologies, etc. and tools to manage all the tools. With so many avenues available it is easy to get swept up
When Social Media started to pick up in popularity, I started to interact with other recruiters around the globe. I quickly realized that most of these folks enjoy sharing their views and don’t mind offering insights on tackling challenges in our industry. I rely on channels such as
For those recruiters out there who are asking, “what about daily planning”, and “what about phone time”? All these basics still apply, this formula embraces and expands on the fundamentals of recruiting, not replaces them….even a “sucky” or “good” recruiter can bang out 100+ calls. A great recruiter ensures
Web 2.0 is on its way out so its not so much about what you name something, but the Brand you build behind it and driving traffic to it with Social Media. Google only brings me about 4% of my traffic. I DELIVER THE REST. I’ve often joked that with the power of Social Media
“You know Chernee, this is not rocket science. Don’t over think it.” So says the teacher. Chernee writes about the fundamentals of recruiting as she embarks back into the training role. She makes some good points here, some that may make smile but all so relevant.
In most cases, only one candidate is ever going to get the job, and the rest are rejected. Have a look at your rejection process to determine what you can change to improve how this is done. The first big issue for me is how many people go unacknowledged or left in silence because they don’t quite fit the bill or have a resume that fails to hit the “Boolean” mark.
In speaking to quite a few recruiters at different networking events, that they are still not measuring their success. The metrics are the nails that hold our wooden frame together because we know how we are doing. We can measure the success of everything with this critical tool. If you are just starting to measure keep your metrics simple –
Sourcers will stop at nothing to uncover hidden talent. We are constantly looking to unveil new ways to source. More often than not the channels we search for everyday items online can be used to source talent online as well. It’s an approach I like to call common sense. Some of the methods walk the line of compliance but that’s your call. Google Images can help.
Recruiters have a cool new approach; it’s called social recruiting. Jobseekers can now join in on the fun. Yes, the social aspect ahs been there for a while; but Tweetdeck and TwitterJobSearch have just raised the bar. Jobdeck is now available to jobseekers to manage their job search. Read about it here.
Mentors can go a long way. How you choose your mentor is up to you. But as a recruiter have you thought about the importance of recruiting your own mentor? Maybe you should. Jenny DeVaughn shares with us some compelling reason why you should seriously consider recruiting your own mentor.
Apps and Addon’s can make your online sourcing activity more productive only if you leverage them properly. Firefox is jammed packed with great addon’s and many that I use daily. Down the all was probably one of the first I’ve used and the one I use the most today.
In today’s market, the emphasis is on finding open positions and marketing clients. In a candidate-driven market, the focus is on recruiting. In both marketing and recruiting, the same approach applies for the first phone conversation. Via Mike Ramer
As a Third party Recruiter, dealing with the Hiring Manager, the decision maker, be that HR, Recruitment, Project Manager, Team leader etc, was a challenge. Not returning calls, emails etc, not responding to meetings, saying one thing to you, whilst doing another, seeing other recruiters behind your back. This wouldn’t happen once
the corporate recruiter let you through? Or is it really the recruiter who is blocking you from making your way in? Maha Akiki breaks it down:
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