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I was reading a blog post discussing “Why do we always have to be different? Why can’t we just be better?” and it got me thinking… How many times have you heard someone say, “Huh, that’s different.” It’s not necessarily a compliment. Different will only get you so far, it may grab someone’s attention however to keep it, you need to be better, more importantly you need to be effective.
The technology landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years. Every month new tools are emerging within social media, video, mobile technologies, etc. and tools to manage all the tools. With so many avenues available it is easy to get swept up into using something different because it is new. I am a huge fan of technology so I am not suggesting that we shouldn’t be innovative or dismiss new tools, but rather evaluate our successes and failures and determine how to get to the next level.
Social Media has been a great resource for me professionally (and personally) to learn from and meet some great recruiters, sourcers, and thought leaders in the recruiting and hr industry. I’ve watched several in the industry be innovative and implement successful programs. For many, it was not an overnight success but the result of a lot of hard work, trying different tools, and taking calculated risks. Moreover, it could be stated that key components to their success were strategic planning and evaluating how they would be more effective.
Currently I have been evaluating video and the possibilities of how it could be integrated to engage candidates. I have considered what has been done in the past, with respect to candidate contact, and how to best incorporate the tools available to deliver a personable, compelling message. Ultimately, following new trends may make you different but being effective will make you better.
My challenge to you is to
- Build on the basics
- Take notice and evaluate trends/new tools
- Strive to improve
- Ask yourself how will this help me be more effective
Here are some sample questions when you are evaluating a new tool
- What is your goal?
- Will this tool help you achieve it in ways others won’t? Faster? Cheaper? Better?
- Are you using it just to test it? Do you have time for that?
- Is the tool reliable?
- Is it better than similar tools out there?
- Does it need to be compatible with other programs you’re using?
- How can you measure/track your results?
About the author:
Marianthe Verver has been active in Corporate Recruiting and HR Roles for 10+ years. Currently she is the Corporate Recruiter for NeoSpire, where she specializes in full life cycle recruiting for IT and Sales positions. In 2009 she was honored with “Employee of the Year” for her contribution in placing top talent.
Marianthe is a member of DFW TRN (Texas Recruiters Network) and is currently serving on the Social Media Committee. She actively speaks and enjoys volunteering for Job Seeker Workshops and Recruiting Panels.
Feel free to connect:
Twitter: @mverver
Linked In:
Email: [email protected]

By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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