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Sourcing is about research and gathering information. In order to find the information you need it’s important that you have educated youself on teh proper search criteria so that you can find what others are saying

Super Search – over 160 of the best people search and web search engines in one handy addon, including 67 searches that can be done right from the toolbar, without having to visit each site and retype the name or search term that you are searching.

Recruiting and sourcing is not always about uncovering a resume. It’s mostly about uncovering key leads, intelligence and contact information on perspective prospects. LinkedIn is a great tool but only if leveraged properly. Continuing our series on LinkedIn we take a look at LinkedIn events

Recruiting with LinkedIn can get tedious, especially if you are only searching with keywords. Your results become common and you lose your competitive edge on your competition. Continuing the series on Recruiting with LinkedIn, here is another great way to uncover some hidden leads.

As a Sourcer, you are a key member of your talent acquisition team and are depended upon to be a capable agent. Like Jack Bauer you are expected to find and deliver solutions quickly in the face of impossible odds. When the Job Boards do not produce the “perfect candidate” and the leads within

Recruiters face a daunting challenge: how do we find and attract top talent in an age of information overload? Now that we have ready access to massive databases and information streams, some might think being a headhunter is a breeze

Real world example-After 10 years with AT&T Chris Hoyt (aka The RecruiterGuy) decided to make a move to Pepsico /Frito-Lay. If you have not read Chris’ blog (, you will understand how much of a rock star this recruiter is. Jim Schnyder recognized that Pepsico / Frito-Lay someone with Chris’ accomplishments, knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm he has for recruiting.

LinkedIn is not just a place to smack up a profile anymore. It’s much more than that. It’s your resume and your point of reference for most employers you will come in contact with. Most recruiters lean on LinkedIn like it’s the only thing left in the world. So how can you maximize your profiles potential?

It’s really a simple process. Nose down sourcing is really another way of saying “Information gathering.” It’s not rocket science. It’s really more about taking the obvious and taking it to the extreme.

LinkedIn is getting quirky with their search capability but here is a nice little trick that was shared with me from @kdaprile at #TRUUSA this past week in Madison. With the ability to now submit news into your LinkedIn feed you have the opportunity to share your companies news, information and your opening in mass and in a non spammy way.

A lot of recruiters say that they recruit on Facebook, but I’ve never really seen any strong results from most of those recruiters. Facebook events are a great way to incorporate your Facebook profile with recruiting and sharing your company’s recruitment message.

Take full advantage of your LinkedIn network. Organize, Tag and recruit via company, industry, location title and more. It’s simple and easy to execute. You are missing great talent you are already connected with. Take control of your Network.

Navigate your job search and career advancement as you would if you were a day trader – watch as many cable news economic panelists as possible and do so regularly. Various corporate Quarterly reports and stock patterns provide a glimpse into what industries are flat, in growth mode

For those recruiters out there who are asking, “what about daily planning”, and “what about phone time”? All these basics still apply, this formula embraces and expands on the fundamentals of recruiting, not replaces them….even a “sucky” or “good” recruiter can bang out 100+ calls. A great recruiter ensures

In most cases, only one candidate is ever going to get the job, and the rest are rejected. Have a look at your rejection process to determine what you can change to improve how this is done. The first big issue for me is how many people go unacknowledged or left in silence because they don’t quite fit the bill or have a resume that fails to hit the “Boolean” mark.

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