LinkedIn is getting quirky with their search capability but here is a nice little trick that was shared with me from @kdaprile at #TRUUSA this past week in Madison. With the ability to now submit news into your LinkedIn feed you have the opportunity to share your companies news, information and your opening in mass and in a non spammy way.

If you do this properly and you author a job blog, you will be able to share relevant company information in a blog post which includes your job postings at the bottom. As the members of the group click through and read the news they see your opening and are directed accordingly to your landing pages.  It is very important not to waste people time here and spam. The new you are sharing should be company related and meaningful.


  1. Mass updates across targeted groups
  2. Consistent visibility across your groups news feeds
  3. High click thru rate if you are posting relevant information to your groups

Things you should not do:

  1. Spam
  2. Mistreat or misinform group members for the sake of getting your info in front of them
  3. Be  a serial blaster of crap

Things you should do:

  1. Share relevant information
  2. Build and join groups of relevance to your industry and target candidates
  3. Only post jobs in the job section

A quick Mashup Video (Step by Step below)


8 Steps to News Submitting Success:

Step 1:  Choose the groups tab at the top of your home page



Step 2: Choose the relevant group you want to market or share your info with



Step 3: Click Submit News



Step 4: Enter the URL of your new article as described above



Step 5:  Choose the groups and who you want to share your news with. You can choose ALL 50 if you desire. If you are building your groups and connecting effectively than you will have a fairly captive audience given that they read their updates. Tagging is important at this stage.



Step 6: Share your link



Step 7:  Post to Updates, Groups and Individuals. If you are taking advantage of the contacts manager than you will be able to post your jobs to targeted connections based on tags. See the video demo here.



Step 8: Share on Twitter and collect a ton of views



By Noel Cocca

CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.