This happened about a week ago.
Previously — November 2017 — you might remember that OutMatch acquired Pomello as well.
They also acquired Assess Systems and Chequed, Inc. along the way.
That’s four total acquisitions. Let’s break them down by what they were focused on pre-acquisition:
- Wepow (the most recent): Video interviewing
- Pomello: Culture fit
- Chequed: Predictive talent selection
- Assess: Talent selection and people development
You can begin to strategically see the suite coming together. OutMatch is defined in the market (by many) as a “predictive talent and culture analytics” company, and uses this on their “About Us” page:
By truly understanding your candidates, your culture, and the underlying behaviors that drive employee success, you can expect to see an average workforce transformed into a high-growth, high-performance company.
The transformation begins by infusing behavioral data and predictive models into your talent strategy. OutMatch’s predictive talent and culture analytics fully equip you to make the best possible decisions about your people, from hiring and development to leadership and culture.
In essence, then, they use science and data to help you hire better.
Why would that kind of company need video interviewing in the suite?
Seems to be about humanizing the hiring process, which is good, because the hiring process is massively inhumane in many organizations.
Here’s what OutMatch can bring together for its client base now:
- Data
- AI stuff (table stakes now in HCM)
- Machine learning
- I/O science
- Video interviews
That’s a powerful suite, right? Let’s turn to the PR side of the world:
“With the added layer of video interviewing, we have the ability to humanize the hiring process in a way that’s never been done through a convergence of unparalleled data, AI and machine learning, IO science, and a more personal touch that matters to people seeking ideal jobs,” said Greg Moran, CEO of OutMatch.
The lists align!
Video interviewing has two major pros within a hiring suite:
- It’s more personal.
- It’s cost-effective when you scale it.
So now we’ve got a mix of this human/personal touch — which is the cornerstone of “candidate experience” when done right — and we’ve got the ability to reduce cost at hiring scale. Nice little 1-2 punch. The acquisition makes a lot of sense at those levels.
Pre-hire to post-hire
There is a metric crap ton of navel-gazing in the industry about whether the term should be “employee engagement” or “employee experience.” In reality, if you treat your employees like humans and genuinely respect them and give them opportunities for growth and not just more task work, it doesn’t matter what term you use. Be a good human being.
But one of the areas where companies deeply struggle is connecting all the dots.
Basically … all the pre-hire work we did … how does that actually tie back to post-hire performance issues?
Probably 92 percent of companies flop at figuring out that connective tissue. It’s one (of many) reasons why work is such a cluster for so many people and hiring managers are allowed to bitch left, right, and center about an imagined skills gap.
These OutMatch acquisitions help to tie the pieces together. That’s why it’s happening. What clients of hiring suites need is:
- Something that works
- Something that gets good people
- Something that’s relatively cost-effective
- Something that’s compliant
You hit all four and that’s the jackpot. OutMatch is moving there.

Ted Bauer
Originally from New York City, Ted Bauer currently lives in Fort Worth, Texas. He's a writer and editor for RecruitingDaily who focuses on leadership, management, HR, recruiting, marketing, and the future of work. His popular blog, The Context of Things, has a simple premise -- how to improve work. Ted has a Bachelors in Psychology from Georgetown and a Masters in Organizational Development from the University of Minnesota. In addition to various blogging and ghost-writing gigs, he's also worked for brands such as McKesson, PBS, ESPN, and more. You can follow Ted on Twitter @tedbauer2003, connect with him on LinkedIn, or reach him on email at [email protected]
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