The “F” word is a very powerful word but let me just make sure we are talking about the same F word (Insert cheeky smile here).

The “F” word I am talking about is FOCUS.

Focus is easier said than done.

With so many distractions in our modern life, it is no wonder we are guilty of starting one job, then getting distracted and moving onto another before we finish the first one.

Focus on what you “should” be doing vs. what you “could” be doing

This is particularly true when it comes to the digital world and being overloaded with so much information which we are told that recruiters and Talent Acquisition professionals REALLY need to know.

As a digital specialist, I understand that keeping up with a fast paced and ever changing environment can be hard, however, there are ways to help you stay focused on what you “should” be doing versus what you “could” be doing.

To that end, here are some tips to get you started, and, to help you get a better focus overall.

You can also sign up for my online course — How to use Facebook Ads to Reach Passive Candidates

Tanya Williams

I’m Tanya Williams; I love pink, wearing 4-inch heels and being the sparkly Chief of Everything at Digital Conversations. I wear many fabulous hats; entrepreneur, blogger, author and trainer, and am a Tradigital Specialists with over 20 years’ marketing experience. For some, digital is a sea of uncertainty and holds businesses back from achieving their full potential. This is where I thrive. I created Digital Conversations to overcome marketing overwhelm, and use my extensive experience and industry knowledge to establish digital savvy brands. I’m passionate about supporting, educating and leveraging the right tools and technology to build a strong digital footprint for your business, that helps you stand out online. You don’t need to work harder, you need to work smarter, and with the right strategy and just enough sparkle, you can be the shining beacon of your industry – attracting your dream clients who champion your brand. “My Purpose is to digitally transform 200 recruitment and professional services businesses in the next 12 months. I’d love you to be one of them.” You can also sign up for my online course -- How to use Facebook Ads to Reach Passive Candidates Follow Tanya on Twitter @Digital_Tanya or connect with her on LinkedIn.