Let’s admit it. Sourcing good software developers is hard. The tech industry is booming, and every other sector depends on technology to power operations. Which is not surprising so far. 

In case the competition wasn’t high enough already, the Occupational Outlook Handbook is predicting a 22 percent rise in the employment of software developers between 2019 and 2029. Let’s just say that this prediction is any tech recruiter’s nightmare. Or technical sourcer.

Now, before we scare you away with that bleak picture of the future, let’s talk about the other side of that coin.

More technological advancements mean we get better, faster, and smarter recruiting tools. And one promising tool that gives us hope for a more efficient future for recruiters is DevGlide. 

As an AI-driven sourcing solution, DevGlide uses data from GitHub and Stack Overflow — two of the most popular online destinations for developers — to compile developer profiles that list their strengths and recent activity.

What makes the tool unique is that it’s one of a kind when it comes to filtering ideal developers from hundreds of thousands of profiles. They have included some helpful filter options like:

  • Location
  • Programming language
  • Framework experience
  • Toolkit
  • And even public knowledge base contributions

Better yet, everything is packed in a neat and simple UI that gets out of your way and lets you headhunt like you mean it.

They have made it simple to use. All you have to do is log in, go to the search bar, enter your criteria, and lo-and-behold, it will present you with a list of matching candidates. 

So if you specialize in recruiting software developers, be sure to take DevGlide for a spin with the free 7-day trial available here


CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.

Dean Da Costa

Dean Da Costa is a highly experienced and decorated staffing professional, recruiter, sourcer and manager, who also boasts outstanding experience and skills in Human Resources, Project Management, Training, and Process Improvement. He is best known for his work in the highly difficult security and mobile arena's, and the gold star winning numbers he produced. His keen insight and creation of ground breaking tools and processes, to enhance and change staffing as we know it, have proven he is a true "Staffing Thought Leader". Despite all this he remains first and foremost one of the top sourcers, staffing managers and full cycle recruiters in the industry and a true "Search Authority"