Source experts in any field by searching Expertise Finder’s University database
Did you know that top companies recruit directly from Universities? Amazon is one of these companies, and Universities are one of their top 4 sourcing locations for candidates. We aren’t talking about entry-level hires, but top candidates who have worked at a university. Professors are generally the most knowledgable on a subject and are at the leading edge of their fields. These are potential candidates that are truly great, especially when you are talking about technology fields. And, you can find them for free using ExpertiseFinder!
To search, choose the subject you are looking for, and you can filter the results by state. When you view the profile, you will find links to their faculty page, their email address, as well as their subject list of expertise. Grab their information one by one, or use a data scraper tool like ZAPInfo to grab it all at once! Simple and easy and it’s free!
Look inside with Dean Da Costa:
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