Digital marketing is a big topic and can be overwhelming for many recruiters due to the amount of information and choices available.
It is a simple fact of life that none of us have enough time, or resources available, and we would gladly take an extra 12 hours to get everything done that we are told we should do.
How to start becoming a digital marketer
However, don’t despair — there are numerous shortcuts, hacks, and simple ways to get some traction and make some progression with your digital marketing efforts.
The world is digital and you have no choice but to play in today’s digital world, so it’s high time you stop making the “I don’t have time” excuses, and instead, start working to gear up and truly become a 5 minute digital marketer. And remember, it’s all about digital visibility!
This short video is a really a good place where you can get started becoming a real 5 minute digital marketer:
Tanya Williams
I’m Tanya Williams; I love pink, wearing 4-inch heels and being the sparkly Chief of Everything at Digital Conversations. I wear many fabulous hats; entrepreneur, blogger, author and trainer, and am a Tradigital Specialists with over 20 years’ marketing experience. For some, digital is a sea of uncertainty and holds businesses back from achieving their full potential. This is where I thrive. I created Digital Conversations to overcome marketing overwhelm, and use my extensive experience and industry knowledge to establish digital savvy brands. I’m passionate about supporting, educating and leveraging the right tools and technology to build a strong digital footprint for your business, that helps you stand out online. You don’t need to work harder, you need to work smarter, and with the right strategy and just enough sparkle, you can be the shining beacon of your industry – attracting your dream clients who champion your brand. “My Purpose is to digitally transform 200 recruitment and professional services businesses in the next 12 months. I’d love you to be one of them.” You can also sign up for my online course -- How to use Facebook Ads to Reach Passive Candidates Follow Tanya on Twitter @Digital_Tanya or connect with her on LinkedIn.
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