rockstarfinder search and engagement


Rockstar Finder Search and Engagement: One tool to do it all


Let’s talk about the latest update from our friends over at Rockstar Finder. This is a great sourcing tool, especially for agencies. Well, now you can also use it as a tool to find clients with the Rockstar Finder Search and Engagement.

Within your prospects, you can now find new clients. Search by company, state, etc and you get your list to add to your database. Select people that are worth reaching out to and add them as a contact.

You can then view their profile and then select to enrich the profile data with contact information. Your next step is to begin your client engagement with outreach right from within the system.

Easy and simple, all in one tool. You already had the candidate finding, and now you have the ability to find clients as well. One tool to do it all!


Noel Cocca


Look inside with Dean Da Costa:
