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One of the major benefits of using social media in a job search is that it allows you to build a bigger network of connections. Given the reach of social media, the size of these networks can grow large in size, requiring powers far beyond those of mortal men to manage.
Fortunately, you can now download super-powers off the Interwebs. These super-powers are now called apps.
Here are a couple of apps that will help you crank up your networking super-powers
Jobkatch is a social CRM, now in open beta that allows you to add a bookmarklet tool to your browser that registers your job leads to JobKatch from any other web site. This will allow you to add as many job leads to your account as you want, and review them at your leisure.
According to their site, Jobkatch is designed to help make searching for a job easier.
We give job seekers a great set of tools to make their search as effective as possible. We’ll help you organize all your job search information, including leads, companies, contacts, communication, and to-do’s and feel that our solution will keep you on task and help you find that new job as fast as possible.
JobKatch can be described as a Social CRM system for Job Seekers. JobKatch can tap into your online and offline networking connections to help you identify the people you should be reaching out to help you achieve your job search goals.
Hashable is a tool (still in private beta)that uses the power of Twitter to make professional introductions in three simple ways, through Twitter, email, or its website. This profile from TechCrunch describes how #Hashable works:
On Twitter, all you need to do is include the Twitter handles of the two people you want to introduce as well as @hashable, and the hashtag “#intro.” For instance, if I wanted to introduce investor/entrepreneur Chris Dixon to VC Fred Wilson (assuming they didn’t already know each other), I would Tweet out something like “@cdixon meet @fredwilson, you guys would get along #intro cc @hashable.” Then Hashable would put out another Tweet to both of them with a short link to an icebreaker page on Hashable with some bio information from each one and a quick way to reply via Twitter. The icebreaker page also shows Twitter followers both people share in common.
Hashable also works through email by simply sending an email to both people and Ccing [email protected]. (You can do private introductions through email by CCing [email protected]). Each recipient will get an email with the other’s bio in the body of the email. Finally, there is an intro tool on which creates either Twitter or email intros automatically. The bio info is pulled from LinkedIn, Twitter, and Hashable profiles. A few days after each intro, Hashable follows up with each recipient to see if they connected.
Pretty cool tools to add to your job search arsenal! If you know a cool tool, mention it in the comments.
This post was written by Michael VanDervort. Michael writes on human resources, labor realtions, and social media issues at the Human Race Horses Blog. He also walks dogs.
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