Where Are The Job Openings For 2011? »

Philadelphia, PA (PRWEB) October 15, 2011 The US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest jobs report, out this month, indicates job openings are up in several industry sectors. Here is where the jobs are: construction; manufacturing; retail trade; education and health services; leisure and hospitality; arts, entertainment, and recreation; and state and local government.

Now is an opportunity to make a job change. Get prepared by first making sure the resume is in order. APerfectResume.com, a national leading provider of professional resume writing services, is announcing the latest in its online education series: “How To Write A Perfect Resume,” http://goo.gl/N5sFF, a live, free, one-hour webcast.

Jewel Bracy DeMaio, MRW, ACRW, CPRW, CEIP, explains, “The webinar provides strategies from a professional CV writer. Clients come to us daily with questions,” she says, “They don’t know what to write, and don’t know what recruiters want.” “How To Write A Perfect Resume,” http://goo.gl/N5sFF prepares $100K+ executives to seize job opportunities opening up in this economy.

The unique value of APerfectResume.com is the CV company’s focus on executives: CEO resumes, CFO resumes, CIO CVs, and VP of Sales resumes. “How To Write A Perfect Resume,” http://goo.gl/N5sFF, teaches jobseekers how an executive resume must differ from a standard resume, the three missing links that make or break an executive resume, and how to capture ROI on a resume in just days.

Two executives participating in “How To Write A Perfect Resume,” http://goo.gl/N5sFF will be randomly selected for a live, free evaluation of their resumes, and hear thoughts and recommendations directly from the experts regarding their specific situations.

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