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Moving the Recruitment Process to the Cloud

“Moving the recruitment process to the cloud”, an aspiration that’s evolving quicker than many would think and the reason I sat down to speak with Bill Fischer Co-Founder of It’s no secret anymore that Twitter is a serious player in the world of social communication. In some circles, it’s the clear leader. But what happens when a new technology cements itself as a viable resource for millions of users globally?

We get great innovation. Enter TwitterJobSearch. TwitterJobSearch is a fascinating job search engine that was born 11_twitterjobsearch2roughly 3 months ago and since, has grown from an infant into a teenage boy.

In my conversation I focused on 3 areas with Bill:

The Goal, What differentiates TwitterJobSearch and how will Recruiters benefit.

Full Posting at:



By Noel Cocca

CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.