whoknows community

The New WhoKnows Community for Recruiters


We’re talking about something brand new with WhoKnows. They have several available tools within their portfolio for prospecting, sales, and recruitment. Now, WhoKnows has launched a free Community for recruiters and sourcers. Now, on the surface, it’s just a community. But if you take a closer look, it’s much more.

On the main page there are Groups and Topics. Currently, there are just a few groups. However, current options include startup, CEO, and investor groups.

If you look at the available topics, there are many different categories, including Fundraising, Marketing, Sales, Hiring, HR, and more. This will become a place for recruiters to go and have questions answered, find out companies they should look into, find investors, as well as find people who are looking for work.

It’s really brand new. So, if it gets enough traction, has the potential to provide a lot of good recruiting-related information!


~ Noel Cocca


Look inside with Dean Da Costa:


