With numerous recruiting systems available, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which tool is best for your business—and, more importantly, your recruiting strategy.
Software Advice, a business that reviews recruiting software, spoke with Laura Smous of The Resumator to learn how HR managers can optimize their tools to assist them in meeting their recruiting goals. Smous offered a few tips on how to make the most of your time and effort when recruiting.
Leverage High-Profile Customers for Increased Credibility
One of the easiest, and perhaps most impactful, things you can do to increase your brand’s exposure: make sure you’re leveraging your well-known clients and partners. Promote companies that use your product or service to gain job seekers’ confidence in your brand. This works particularly well for companies, like the Resumator, offering online recruiting or talent acquisition solutions.
According to Smous, many interviewees claim they discovered the company through repeated encounters with The Resumator’s software while applying for positions with other businesses. These applicants enjoyed the product so much that they wanted to find out more about the organization behind the tool. Smous says their web traffic confirms this. In fact, in 2013 alone, The Resumator received around 30,000 referral visits from their clients’ career pages.
Customize Your Technology
Smous says she suspects few recruiters are taking full advantage of their recruiting technology. She suggests customizing your tools to fit your company’s workflow. By doing so, recruiters can better streamline their hiring process, and drastically increase their overall effectiveness. For example, many recruiting software offers recruiters the ability to track the status of active applications, and now the system will automatically send messages to applicants to update them on their status in the recruiting cycle.
Track Social Media Job Postings to Hone Your Recruiting Strategy
In addition to customizing your software, recruiters should be sure to utilize key features. For instance, Smous notes that it’s important for businesses to track their sources of hire to ensure they’re posting open positions to a relevant audience. As such, recruiters take advantage of recruiting software’s ability to track which social networks bring in the most qualified candidates through unique URLs.
By tracking these metrics, employers can easily adjust their job posting strategy to find more and better hires. With this in mind, having a single, integrated dashboard can help. “Sometimes one platform is more effective simply because of demographic reasons,” Smous explains. “But it’s often the case that companies need to reevaluate their own activities on that platform.”
Earlier this year, Software Advice conducted research to see which recruiting channels recruiters were planning on using more often in 2014. Almost 50 percent of respondents reported that their business planned to increase its investment in social media. The Resumator’s internal recruiting team, it seems, would be inclined to do the same. As Smous said, “For any recruiting strategy to be successful, you need to understand how to effectively use the tools of your time, and right now, that’s social media.”
About the Author: Jessica Melton is an Editorial Coordinator at Software Advice. She writes on a variety of topics, from small business to software, and loves learning more about the world of recruiting and human resources. Connect with Jessica at [email protected].
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