New Automated Scheduling Feature Speeds up, Personalizes Interview Appointment Process
While perhaps not faster than a speeding bullet, TextRecruit’s brand new automated scheduling feature is your newest arsenal in the war on slow, stodgy recruiting conversations. For both candidates and recruiters, phone or email tag to find a convenient interview time are a thing of the past. Additionally, candidates can easily search job openings by zip code, to see what’s nearby.
With our new automated scheduler, recruiters simply text that great candidate a link to the scheduler. The candidate gets the friendly, engaging text: “Hi Joe, you’d be a great fit for our developer role in Phoenix. Please schedule an interview on my calendar here.” Joe opens the link to the scheduler and picks from several day and time options carefully chosen by AI-powered assistant ARI’s automated access to the recruiter’s busy calendar. The appointment then populates in that calendar. No more hours of back and forth, and no more candidate drop-off because of cumbersome application processes or the feel of being ghosted.
Want to reach out to multiple candidates? That’s a messaging breeze. Not only can you screen each candidate by way of a succinct texted question and answer session, but you can then send any you choose a personalized interview invitation, with scheduling link.
Organizing and assessing responses are simplified with the TextRecruit dashboard. Recruiters can see response rates, see when rate changes occur, and view messages in their inbox. They can star their top-choice candidates, and add new candidates, including those imported from their own ATS or CRM. The dashboard enables grouping by several different criteria that include location, industry and job title. Want to text an interview invitation, with scheduler link, to all Indianapolis-based programmers in your passive-candidate database? Easy-peasy.
Automated scheduling is now part of TextRecruit’s LinkedIn Chrome and Firefox extension as well. With the extension, recruiters can display a LinkedIn member’s profile, integrate his contact and profile information from the TextRecruit dashboard, add her to a job campaign, and text him an invitation to interview, with link to the automated scheduler – all without leaving LinkedIn.
We’re excited about how the combination of ARI’s natural-language capabilities and the new Automated Scheduling tool further enhances the speed, ease, efficiency, and personalization of the TextRecruit platform. We’re sure you will be too!
Introducing Automated Scheduling

Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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