Group, cluster, sort extract, export, filter: and search keywords, phrases, search results and candidates. This is what iMetaSearch lets you do for free.
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is what stands between Google and iMetaSearch. Now I won’t profess to be a expert in this area, but I will say that I have had a productive time gathering relevant information on my areas of research. The pure definition of LSA or LSI (Indexing) is that the system is analyzing documents to interpret the underlying meaning or concepts of those documents rather than matching word for word. Here is a great visual that breaks it down rather nicely.
If however you just want to assume it works and try this bad boy out you can download the free version HERE from PuffinWare.
See the videos below to help walk you through. We did nto create these videos as they have already been posted and created on the Puffinware website. Here they are. Pay them a visit and try out the tool.
Here is a set of tutorials on the tool. Be sure to visit there site: iMetaSearch
Text from Puffinware site:
This video covers the basics of how to do a search. It also briefly covers the 4 main areas of the user interface.
- Groups of Results – each search result is put into a group made of similar results.
- Search Results – a list of all the search results.
- Selected Result – the details of the currently selected search result.
- Extracted Words – a list of all the words and phrases from all the results.
Text from Puffinware site:
This video covers how to explore search results by taking advantage of:
- Sorting results by column
- Looking at groups of similar results
- Updating relevance scores by marking interesting results
- Going to the webpage of a result
- Exporting results to a CSV (Excel) file
Text from Puffinware site:
This video covers using the extracted words and phrases in the following ways:
- Doing quick searches on any extracted words or phrase
- Finding all phrases that start with a certain word
- Filtering extracted words to find people and websites
- Exporting words and phrases to a CSV (Excel) file
Text from Puffinware site:
This video covers how to use groups of related results in the following ways:
- Sorting groups by description, color, or relevance
- Controlling the number of groups, from large general groups to small specific groups
- Marking groups to find related groups, and also related search results and words

By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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