rockstar finder


Rockstar Finder is a search tool with some great potential


Rockstar Finder is an advanced search tool “built for recruiters by recruiters” that allows you to efficiently search across various search engines and social networks from one platform. The tool offers both a free and paid version, and though it currently still has some flaws, it does have potential.

Once you sign up, the site allows you to choose the terms of your search.

  • You select which source(s) you would like to search through, including LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, MeetUp, and more.
  • Depending on which sources you are searching through, you may have additional options. For example, on LinkedIn, you could specify that you wish to search only for people with many connections, or only those “seeking new opportunities.”
  • Search inputs include all the basics, such as Location, Keywords, Title, Education, etc.

Once you have the terms of your search defined, you can choose to either “Search Now” or “Save Search.” This “Save Search” option can make future searches quick and painless.

The actual search process, though useful, is not that unique. Rockstar Finder simply creates an X-ray search on Google (or another engine) that pulls out the relevant pages according to the terms of your search. Additionally, and Dean points out, the current version of Rockstar Finder has a few flaws. There are some glitches in the site, causing the user to have to close and reopen the tool fairly often.   There are also a few site features that do not seem to work, such as the “Guide” tool.

Overall, Rockstar Finder is an X-ray tool. ~ Noel Cocca  


Look inside with Dean Da Costa:

