Sourcing Gets Personal

We’ve all been there -sourcing for an amazing backend developer that can code circles around 19 year old Mark Zuckerberg while eating ranch Doritos in his dorm room. We all know how to find developers (it’s our job as sourcers, ya know). As sourcers we learn the ins and outs of what “works” and what might land us in the hot seat with candidates. So, you thought that Spiderman reference really struck a chord with your candidate. You saw the meme he posted on his Facebook page, decided to relate to him about said character, and failed miserably. Been there. Nothing like being told to, “F – off” because you were trying to be cool. #SpideyFAIL

The Tools of The Trade

Whether you’re using Hiretual (awesome), Prophet (amazing) or Lusha (swoon) you can spend hours, maybe DAYS trying to find the “best” contact information for your lead. I’d recommend trying the 3 I just mentioned – because, we use them – and they work. I digress. Back to the playa at hand. – I pronounce it Snow – V – O. (Sounds good, right?) Anyhow, I love what I am seeing here for a number of reasons.

3 things I like about

1. The tool allows me to find leads on LinkedIn or any website that I visit. I can find contact and profile information from the LinkedIn search interface or on individual profiles.

2. Need Boolean? does this as well. It’s basic but basic is good. will help to create a basic Boolean search for sites like Google, Github and LinkedIn.

3. The Chrome extension is pretty slick. Similar to Hiretual, Prophet, Lusha and the 23k others out there – will allow you to identify contact information for your leads. I can’t say how great or where improvements need to be made (yet) but it’s another tool to keep handy.

How Does Work: In Action

Install Snovio chrome extension.
> Create your account at
> Go to LinkedIn or use the source search tool at and start building your targeted email lists or searching for prospects.
> Export contacts to your mailing software or CRM.



Find COntact InformationAbout our Author:

Dean Da Costa is best known for his work in the highly specialized secured clearance and mobile arenas, where he has been a top performing recruiter and sourcer.  Dean’s keen insight and creation of innovative tools and processes for enhancing and changing staffing has established Dean as one of the top authorities in sourcing and recruiting.

Connect with Dean at LinkedIn or follow @DeanDaCosta on Twitter.



By Dean Da Costa

Dean Da Costa is a highly experienced and decorated staffing professional, recruiter, sourcer and manager, who also boasts outstanding experience and skills in Human Resources, Project Management, Training, and Process Improvement. He is best known for his work in the highly difficult security and mobile arena's, and the gold star winning numbers he produced. His keen insight and creation of ground breaking tools and processes, to enhance and change staffing as we know it, have proven he is a true "Staffing Thought Leader". Despite all this he remains first and foremost one of the top sourcers, staffing managers and full cycle recruiters in the industry and a true "Search Authority"