I get emails and calls daily asking how can I use Facebook for recruiting? Well, it’s not always about recruiting when using “social tools” like Facebook. Social tools are also about getting found yourself – Facebook pages are a way to do this.
Recruiters should pay attention to Facebook, because almost everyone is on it. It’s a great way to connect with friends and colleagues. However, good recruiters know that your best candidates are one in the same with your friends and colleagues. Neworking within your personal circle is a great way to find strong candidates that you can put your trust in. So more and more, Facebook is a great way to get more business. Optimizing your Facebook page is one step in the process.
Besides searching for candidates on Facebook and reaching out to people you know or used to know, it’s also important to optimize your own Facebook page. Here are a few tips to optimize your Facebook page and get people to find YOU:
- Let people find you from other sources. Link to your Facebook page from your Linkedin profile, website, email, or other ways that you communicate with people.
- Get the word out: tell your friends to tell their friends about your page and that you are interested in finding them jobs. If you have any kind of social circle, this will quickly get a lot of people calling you to use your recruiting services or just get career advice. Ask your friends to also link to your Facebook page on their website or other services.
- Do you have a company video? Add it to your Facebook page. You want to keep your page professional but still interesting and engaging.
- Be conscious of keywords when you are writing text for your pages. Realize that candidates and other people find you through the text that you write. Think about strong keywords for your profession. Do you recruit software developers? Write text about programming languages and typical jobs that you recruit for. This has an added benefit of making you appear informed and relevant to the industry that you are recruiting for.
On any social recruiting effort, make sure that before you use these different systems, you should have well developed professional profile. On Facebook, that means having an optimized Facebook page. Have fun and happy Facebook recruiting!

By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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