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  This is a neat add-on that I use daily. I am big on shortcuts when using a PC and this add-on is a great extension to that process. I like this one because it allows for “infinite scrolling” throughout web  and image based   results allowing you to “peek” inside the result. The peek is ok, but is a bit annoying sort of like the new Google image search.

The main reason I like this add-on is for its shortcuts. You’ll have to play with them to get yourself familiar but essentially you are able to search various sites with abbreviations direct from your browsers search bar.

For example: I want to search YouTube for a video on software engineering to help target some leads.

From my search bar I simply type:

“software engineer” /yt

Obviously the yt = YouTube/ At this time there are about 20 “power hints” as the call them that you can use.

Download it here:


I tend to incorporate video search and video resumes into all of my searches. Zapom is one of those search aggregators  that focuses of video search. It’s not perfect but it certainly saves me a boat load of time    allowing to search results for over 100 video services online.

Not all are relevant to my searches but it doesn’t hurt or cost me anytime when I am running 1 blanket search.

Download it here:

 PDF Ebook searches:

Now this one is pretty basic but I love automation. In fact there are a few similar custom Google engines running around that do the same thing. The purpose f using searches like this are to help save me some time     with finding ebooks and papers authored by potential candidates.

This is definitely not the best way but it is effective and yes the same results can be attained manually fairly simple.

Download it here:

By Noel Cocca

CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.