Every Friday in case you missed it, ‘The Week That Was” is all you need to know about anything that matters in recruiting. We go out to the interwebs and gather interesting and insightful recruiting news we will interest you. This week we learned it is time to check the whether, Triplebyte is growing up, and we brought you a list so you can hire more women. Duh.

Recruiting Terms Defined:

Reality Challenged Candidates who think they are qualified when they are obviously not. “I am obviously a surgeon; I have an app.”

Tweet of the Week:


Triplebyte is all Grown up.

Recruiting News


Triplebyte, who once only worked with Y Combinator-incubated companies is now working with industry whales like Facebook and Apple. The reason for their popularity is that they have taken out the need for resumes or looking at what credentials a candidate has and just getting down to finding top talent. To do this, they are using relevant data, not a gut feel. “We’d like to have data across the lifetime of an engineer,” Taggar said.  If TripleByte’s software was even trained on a sufficient volume of data, Taggar imagines it could even make the hiring decision if the technical ability is the sole criteria.


Whether you Like it or Not, The Whether Wins!


The Whether is an inbound college recruiting app that automates how you attract, engage and hire relevant college students by presenting your brand and opportunities within an exceptional experience along the candidate journey. This week, they were able to beat out nine other opponents and win the coveted  SXSWedu’s  Launch Competition.

This is a culmination of all the hard work we have done for a long time,” said Better Weekdays CEO Chris Motley just after the winners were announced on Wednesday night. “Being a minority-led company, it’s so good to be validated by the industry.

Looking for interns and recent grads? Check The Whether first.


There’s a simple solution to tech’s gender imbalance… hire more damn women.


For the majority of my career, I only worked for women. Considering that I got my start in IT, this seems impossible in hind site. However, it is true; I saw women daily making a difference in tech. If you look around, however, many companies did not get the “hire more women” message. The most common reason why? That not enough women apply. Wednesday, March 8th, you may have noticed, was International Woman’s day. In honor of that, William Tincup put together a list of  300+ Women In HR Technology Worth Watching. You can no longer say you can’t find enough women again. #BeBoldForChange


8 Recruiting Website Mistakes that could cost you BIG


According to Business.com, 75% of consumers determine an organization’s credibility simply on their website design. Don;t lose your chance to wow visitors. Simply creating an attractive front page doesn’t mask other problems that may be lurking beneath the surface.  Read on to see if you’re guilty of making these recruiting website mistakes Adam Appleton talks about.

By Jackye Clayton

Jackye is an acclaimed thought leader and inspirational speaker on recruiting and DEIB topics. She brings years of experience recruiting across a variety of industries including tech, HR, legal, and finance. In her role as VP of Talent Acquisition and DEIB, she leads all related work at Textio, provides critical expertise to customers, and serves as a leading voice in the products Textio creates for the broader ecosystem. Jackye has been named one of the 9 Powerful Women in Business You Should Know by SDHR Consulting, one of the 15 Women in HR Tech to Follow by VidCruiter, and is on the Top 100 list of Human Resources Influencers by Human Resource Executive Magazine.