Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) have never been talked about often in the personal and professional realm until the most recent years. In fact, these three elements serve a purpose in today’s workforce:

  • Diversity: refers to acknowledging various differences in people.
  • Equity: is ensuring that programs, protocols and approaches are fair and impartial for all.
  • Inclusion: ensures that everyone feels included in a workplace and that they respect each other.

When all three elements are acknowledged, companies and organizations can showcase a more diverse and modern workforce.

With that in mind, here are 5 trends to expect in 2022 concerning diversity, equity and inclusion:

Continuous Recovery From COVID-19 Pandemic

With COVID-19 being the major topic of 2020, it’s evident that people will need all the time they need to recover from the physical, emotional and financial tragedies that came with the pandemic. Although vaccinations are now widely available, the return to normalcy may or may not come anytime soon.

So, with the idea of a ‘new normal’ in the minds of consumers and the workforce, there’s the trend of there being in continuous recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

With that in mind, human resource personnel—no matter the company or organization—will need to keep in mind the following tips:

  • Practice having a nurturing and compassionate workplace culture.
  • Communicate with employees with regular check-ins and collaborations.
  • Offer paid time-off for when employees have caregiving duties, or have mental and physical needs.

Expanding And Evolving Remote Work

The pandemic had most people working from home as a means to stop the spread of COVID-19. Despite the closures and shutdowns of many businesses, some companies and organizations have managed to use remote work to keep business going.

Though, it’s when you dive deeper that you see the emotional and mental aspects of working from home. In fact, remote work has become a relief for the following:

  • Stay-at-home mothers
  • Caregivers
  • Job seekers
  • Freelancers (any industry), etc.

So, when looking at the workforce in your company or organization, remember to be diverse, equitable, and inclusive by asking yourself these important questions:

  • Who can work in-house? And who needs to work from home?
  • How many days a week can your employees work?
  • How can you make sure that everyone in your workforce has adequate access to time, technology, workspace, etc.?

Hiring With AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already taken technology by storm with things like:

  • Virtual assistants (i.e. Alexa)
  • Deep data
  • Social media postings
  • Search engine recommendations, etc.

Now, hiring departments in companies and organizations can take advantage of AI and AI-solutions in their operations. AI allows hiring managers to hire based on diversity, equity and inclusion. That means that they can hire people from different backgrounds, rather than just look at resumes. This allows for your talent pool to be more diverse and inclusive, which is a plus for job seekers.

More Inclusive Communications

Nowadays, it’s no longer the norm to use default terms for people. In terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion, it’s now normal to have more representation for marginalized groups such as people of color, non-binaries and so on. Rather than assume a person’s identity or know only stereotypes, inclusive communication allows people to appreciate and celebrate people’s differences.

With that said, here are some ways to make communications more inclusive:

  • Showcase people of a various races, genders, and abilities on your website, social media, etc.
  • Avoid stereotypical or hurtful terminology (e.g. “normal,” “non-white,” “gay,” etc.).
  • Ask employees how they wish to identify (i.e. pronouns, race).

Learning To Listen

Finally, it’s important to learn to listen to your employees. No matter their concerns, listen with intent and empathy. This is especially crucial, since things like the pandemic have shaped the world with concern and sympathy towards one another.

There is now a need for more compassion in the world. When employees feel that they can go to their employers about any concerns, that strengthen the bond between employer and employee. That ultimately spells diversity, equity, and inclusion.

So, be sure to listen to your employees in the following ways:

  • Regular check-ins
  • Offering mental health resources
  • Offering paid time-off for any medical or mental emergencies… and so on.


As one can imagine, diversity, equity and inclusion are just as important today as ever before. With the major changes and upheavals that have happened over the recent years, there will be more trends to come in the year 2022. Therefore, it’s important to build a stronger culture and a well-running workforce as the world moves into 2022.

To get the ball rolling, it’s important to keep in mind the 5 trends that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in your company or organization when doing the following:

  • Creating a company mission statement
  • Hiring talent
  • Accommodating your employees (in-house or remote)

Kendra Beckley

Kendra Beckley is a writer and editor at Write my coursework service. As a business development manager, she oversees many projects in various companies in the state of Kentucky. As a content writer, she writes articles about social justice efforts, humanitarian work, and community service trends.