HireVue launched HireVue Builder, a new tool that enables talent acquisition teams to create structured interviews based on predetermined key skills for a particular role.
By identifying the job and level, HireVue Builder automatically suggests job-related competencies, relevant interview questions and evaluation criteria. The product can be used across industries.
Structured interviews focus on a candidate’s elevant knowledge, skills, abilities and work styles and aim to provide consistency across candidates. A study by HireVue recently found that talent acquisition teams consider structured interviews to be among their top priorities, the company said.
“HireVue Builder takes the subjectivity out of the process with built-in structured interviews,” said Chairman and CEO said Kevin Parker. That, he said, will level the playing field for all candidates.
Builder’s competencies and questions have been mapped to performance and designed to reduce bias.
Builder in a Crowded Space
Builder’s an interesting add-on, launched at a time when the video-interview space is becoming busier and busier and every vendor could use something that makes it unique. Indeed, OutMatch, Phenom, iCIMs and Modern Hire are just some of the companies that have waded into the video pool over the last several months, propelled by demand to bulk up digital recruiting capabilities because of COVID-19.
HireVue received attention earlier this year, when it stopped using software that analyzes facial expressions to identify certain characteristics of interviewees. The platform had recorded candidates’ behavior, speech and intonations and run them against an algorithm that matched them with specific traits.
At the time, HireVue said recent advances in natural language processing eliminated the need for visual analysis. Because of NLP’s evolution, the company said, “visual analysis no longer significantly added value to assessments.” The company ended the practice last year, but just announced it in January.

Mark Feffer
Mark Feffer is executive editor of RecruitingDaily and the HCM Technology Report. He’s written for TechTarget, HR Magazine, SHRM, Dice Insights, TLNT.com and TalentCulture, as well as Dow Jones, Bloomberg and Staffing Industry Analysts. He likes schnauzers, sailing and Kentucky-distilled beverages.
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