My mouth is still hanging open since meeting with Hirabl. Hirabl helps you find missing recruiting fees owed to you by clients who hired a candidate you presented but didn’t quite remember to pay you. (Your mouth is hanging open now right!??!!? They also reveal leads for new hiring managers. Watch:
So what is it?
HIRABL has created recruitment analytics that deliver a superhuman return on investment. Their software empowers recruiters to put their data to work identifying “backdoor hires” and targeting new business opportunities that accelerate revenue. We’ve already identified tens of millions in missed fees for clients worldwide and are continually finding new ways to make the job market more efficient for recruiters, employers, and workers.
So we can agree that companies not paying the fees when hiring a candidate we presented is rare. But it happens. You know the deal, you are working with a hiring manager and they go dark for various reasons or suddenly the position is canceled, etc. But then it opens a few months down the line it opens and rather than call you, the recruiter who submitted them in the first place, they call the candidate directly and hires them. How are you supposed to find out that this occurred?
Hirabl’s technology scrapes the internet looking at things like press releases, LinkedIn profile changes, and other social profiles to see a change based on the data you supply them on your clients. If the software sees that you may have been left out of the loop when a candidate you presented is hired, it sends an alert to you so that you can send a friendly reminder to the client letting them know that they “found” this candidate through your efforts.
HIRABL helps finds money owed as well as find new clients by:
Alerting you if there has been a back door hire(when a client hires one of your candidates without your knowledge) so that you can collect missed fees immediately.
2. Letting you know when your hiring managers move to preserve existing business and target new business.
3. Letting you know when your candidates move, and there are openings that need to be backfilled. Identify new clients who are hiring.

By Jackye Clayton
Jackye is an acclaimed thought leader and inspirational speaker on recruiting and DEIB topics. She brings years of experience recruiting across a variety of industries including tech, HR, legal, and finance. In her role as VP of Talent Acquisition and DEIB, she leads all related work at Textio, provides critical expertise to customers, and serves as a leading voice in the products Textio creates for the broader ecosystem. Jackye has been named one of the 9 Powerful Women in Business You Should Know by SDHR Consulting, one of the 15 Women in HR Tech to Follow by VidCruiter, and is on the Top 100 list of Human Resources Influencers by Human Resource Executive Magazine.
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