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This past month it seems like lists of tools are getting the most value to the readers so here is another list that I’ve been putting together over the last few weeks on Meta-Search engines. The list is really nothing more than the engines I tend to lean on for varying projects.
What is a Meta Search Engine? Ask Google: define:Meta search:
A Meta Search engine is a search tool that sends user requests to several other search engines and/or databases and aggregates the results into a single list or displays them according to their source
Here is a raw list with a brief description. Feel free to add your own and we can grow a significant list for the community.
Meta Search Engines
- Browsys: A pretty slick engine that allows you to run searches across various engines checking the results by simply clicking the tab. The key here is that Browsys uses “virtual folders” to allow you to store grow and share information.
- SortFix: May be one of my favorites. Simply run your search and SortFix will extract the power words and allow you to remove, add or sort what it extracted into boxes. These boxes are built upon as you move through Google, Bing, Yahoo, Twitter etc. Give it a shot and what there video as well.
- Dogpile: An oldie but goodies displaying functional clusters for you to investigate
- Keotag: Is a neat search tool that allows you to run a search based on simple keywords. The search aggregates results based on the last 30 days of activity around blog and community based postings, allowing you to monitor recent and relevant activity to your search targets. There are varying tools withing Keotag, so be sure to play around a bit.
- Ixquick is a favorite of mine as it ranks returned results based on the top ten ranking from designated engines. You can see the previous tutorial on Ixquick here:
- OneRiot: is another old timer but helps to put relevancy behind real-time social searching on Twitter, Facebook, Digg and Myspace, among others.
- ZapMeta: is a strong meta search tool I really like. It supports basic and advanced search queries (Boolean) and will manipulate to the best of its ability the expression to meet the required engine it is ripping results from. You’ll find strong results with phrase searching, truncation, proximity among others.
- Zuula: is an ok meta search tool but still worth a mention. It’s your typical aggregator pulling from various sources including images, files, video mp3 etc. You can set advanced preferences which I like, similar to Google changing returned results to 100, among other options.
- WhoNu is a pretty popular search tool around these parts. Run your search and real-time filter your results to show publication times, images, files etc. It’s quick, rarely gets hung up and I use it often for research and industry mapping. Options include sysntax you may be familiar with if you are a Boolean addict. The example on the link is run under Gene Expression
- Searchzooka: is a site based in Dallas Texas and referred to me from a fellow recruiter. It will allow you to run advanced searches on the big 3 search engines and I wanted to include it in this list for you all but I am not a huge fan just yet. I am sure it has a ton of value but I have not put much time into it just yet.

By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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