How to Beat the Automated Resume Screening System and Get Hired »
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (PRWEB) March 20, 2012 Job-hunters are frustrated by the automated screening systems being used by many employers. Their resumes are not getting through and not being reviewed by a human screener. Job hunters are being warned in the media and by countless job search experts about the low probability of success from relying on applying online through job boards or through employer web sites. According to an expert on applicant tracking systems (ATS), Jonathan Ciampi, President and Founder of Preptel Corporation, the average job applicant has a 4 to 5 percent chance of getting a “hit” from a computer selection process.
With these low odds what is a job seeker to do?
“It’s easy to get sucked-in to spending all your time “clicking and sending” your resume because it is easy to do and posted jobs hang there like low lying fruit, ripe and ready for the picking” said Paul Hill “the problem is the average job applicant, even though he knows all about playing the resume “keyword stuffing game”, he’s still not getting the results he expects from his online job application efforts.” Hill routinely advocates, on his Get Hired Fast Track series, the creation of a detailed job search plan, which includes a compelling online image, promotion of a clear message, and conducting targeted “Smart Search” using proven tactics to penetrate the hidden job market.
“It has been my experience that the average job seeker who does not have a job search coach in his corner falls back on applying online for jobs” said Hill “since this online-application approach is still such a prevalent trend, this week’s broadcast will examine ways of improving one’s resume selection chances by using the latest in resume “optimization technology.”
Read How to Beat the Automated Resume Screening System and Get Hired now »
By Tim Spagnola
Recruit Smarter
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