Researching is an essential part of a recruiter’s day. Trying to stay focused is comparable to not eating chocolate on a diet. Here’s a compilation of my top 10 apps I run on Firefox today. I don’t use all of them all of the time, but they are all active and make use of them when appropriate.
All of the add-ons below can be used in some way for recruiting.
1. Xmarks – Bookmark Synchronizer
I love Xmark because I work on multiple systems. It’s essential for me to have access to my bookmarks regardless of the system I am on. Xmark will keep you up to date on all systems. In an upcoming post I’ll show you how I use my bookmarks for recruiting.
So, how often do you save articles or snippets from your research to your favorites bar? Than it gets completely overwhelmed and unorganized. Read it later allows me to manage this influx temporarily saving the complete article for me. I can refer back to them later, save them to read offline and mark them as read and delete them if needed.
3. DownThemAll
I’ve spoken about this one for a long time now and have a post on it here detailing how to use it for recruitment. This might be my favorite. Simply run your resume search and download the entire resume setwith a click. Organize and review later. Very useful.
4. MyStickies
Another strong app for research and organization. This app allows me to leave little sticky notes on a website, browser page etc. and organize my thoughts into tabs for very easy browsing. This is more of a preference add-on to make my life a bit easier for browsing.
5. Net Notes
A neat little app that allows me to use my hundreds of sticky notes and attach them to my bookmarks. Again a preference add-on but extremely valuable to me for easy access to my notes.
6. DeeperWeb
This is a pretty cool app that lets me uncover news items, press releases, Q&A fairly quick. It works on a tag system so everything is easily accessible and quickly found.
A simple but very useful app. Simply right click on a word and you can run some deeper research on that particular term. Could be a bit sharper though with phrases and groups of words.
8. Screengrab!
More often than not I use Jing to capture images etc. I still recommend screengrab as it’s a great tool. Essentially serves as a screen capture tool.
To quickly capture an entire web page, Screengrab is a great tool. It can save or copy an entire page, the
9. Echofon
Echofon (Formerly Twitterfox) is another strong twitter app. I most often use Tweetdeck but if I am in my browser I can also use this neat little app. it sits on the bottom end of your browser and lets you quick get updates and send messages via your browser.
10. TwitBin
It’s a noteworthy mention since it accomplishes everything Echofon does. The main difference is the display. I like the display better, as it uses tabs but it takes away from browser space. In that case I prefer Tweetdeck. Still worth looking at.

By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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