Digital Entertainment Recruiter VonChurch Opens New San Francisco Office »

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — VonChurch, a recruiting firm focused exclusively on the digital entertainment industry, today announced the opening of a new 6,000-square-foot office in San Francisco’s Dogpatch neighborhood. The new location combines two offices under one roof to better serve VonChurch’s growing roster of more than 150 companies in the rapidly changing digital entertainment space.

“The walls in the games market are coming down and our ability to seamlessly crossover between divisions sets us apart in the recruiting scene,” said Alex Churchill, CEO and founder of VonChurch. “We’re in the practice of adjusting our divisions every three months to stay ahead of the curve for our clients.”

The new modern office is equipped with all the flair you’d expect from a recruiter placing top-tier talent for companies like Adobe, Crowdstar, MTV Networks, Popcap, and Rockstar Games. The sprawling loft features wireless HD TVs, gaming center and ample room for accommodating clients. VonChurch grew 238% last year, and the new facility will be home to VonChurch’s 60-employee operation with an additional twenty to be added in the next year in both their New York and San Francisco offices.

VonChurch reflects the evolution of the digital entertainment industry as well as the growing opportunities within the recruiting field. Foregoing some long held industry standards, VonChurch lives in the networks talent use most, including international placements done entirely on Twitter. With the video game industry poised to reach $70.1 billion by 2015, attracting stellar programmers, engineers, and creatives is a priority for industry leaders.

“The best-of-the-best aren’t on LinkedIn. We have a culture built to connect talent and ensure that the fit is a good one. We’re not just matching a resume with a job description,” said Churchill. “There’s more to digital entertainment than engineering console games. Social games are on mobile devices and mobile games are on social networks. Our clients know the nuances of each and so do we.”

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