#Trulondon has come and gone, but the knowledge will live on forever. If you were not able to join us in London, we’ve got you covered. Below, you will see videos of 8 key attendees, sharing their views on the current trends in recruitment and their favorite tool.
Take a look at their recruiting tools recommendations and try them out for yourself.
Jonathan Campbell, CEO Social Talent
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh8Wz5O20xA” width=”500″ height=”300″]
Johnny recommends “Crystal“
Crystal, often referred to as Crystal Knows, is a fantastic tool that assists you in the process of communication to your email recipient. Give Crystal a try for free to crush your open and click rates.
[button_link size=”medium” target=”_blank” src=”https://www.crystalknows.com/features#free”]Click here to try Crystal Knows[/button_link]
Andy Headworth, Strategy, Talent Attraction and Author
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnF5SYxhhc4″ width=”500″ height=”300″]
Andy recommends “Prophet“
Prophet is 100% Free! Prophet is a new Chrome extension that uses an advanced engine to predict the most likely email combination for a given person based on name, company and other social data. One of our favorite recruiting tools over the last couple of years.
[button_link size=”medium” target=”_blank” src=”[button_link size=”medium” src=”https://recruitingtools.com/prophet”]Click here to try Prophet[/button_link]
Shannon Pritchett, Manager Global Sourcing and Social Media
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWWBWFx1hjU” width=”500″ height=”300″]
Shannon recommends “SourceHub“
Sourcehub is one the best free recruiting tools / Boolean builder provided by the team at SocialTalent, a recruitment training company that provide super solid video training, on site training and killer tutorials and content.
[button_link size=”medium” target=”_blank” src=”[button_link size=”medium” src=”https://source.socialtalent.co/”]Click here to try SourceHub[/button_link]
Katrina Collier, Speaker, Writer and Trainer, Winning Impression
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJzQmp9Zz9Q” width=”500″ height=”300″]
Katrina recommends “ManageFlitter“
ManageFlitter provides you with a set of easy to use tools to empower you to work smarter and faster with Twitter .
[button_link size=”medium” target=”_blank” src=”[button_link size=”medium” src=”https://manageflitter.com/”]Click here to try Manage Flitter[/button_link]
Balazas Paroczay, EMEA Sourcing and Recruiting Manager, Randstad Sourceright
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URDz_ll-FR4″ width=”500″ height=”300″]
Balazas recommends “SourceHub“
SourceHub is a great and free Boolean builder provided by the team at SocialTalent, a recruitment training company that provide super solid video training, on-site training and killer tutorials and content.
[button_link size=”medium” src=”[button_link size=”medium” target=”_blank” src=”https://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&biw=1920&bih=945&noj=1&q=%28%22my+resume%22+OR+%22resume+of%22%29+%22software+engineer%22+%28testing+OR+test%29+%28development+OR+design%29+-sample+-samples+-Linkedin+-Twitter+-Facebook&oq=%28%22my+resume%22+OR+%22resume+of%22%29+%22software+engineer%22+%28testing+OR+test%29+%28development+OR+design%29+-sample+-samples+-Linkedin+-Twitter+-Facebook&gs_l=serp.3…7758.16969.1.17140.….0…1c.1.64.serp..29.0.0.leP3T2ulOE0″]Click here to run my search[/button_link]
Saul Whitten, EMEA Recruitment Director Docusign
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyKbbahm0ds” width=”500″ height=”300″]
Saul recommends “DocuSign“
DocuSign’s Digital Transaction Management platform helps companies keep processes 100% digital from start to finish to accelerate transactions, reduce costs, and delight customers, partners, suppliers, and employees.
[button_link size=”medium” target=”_blank” src=”[button_link size=”medium” src=”https://www.docusign.com/”]Click here to try DocuSign[/button_link]
Patrick Boonstra, Dragon Slayer, People Sourcing Crew
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF2rds69cq4″ width=”500″ height=”300″]
Patrick reccomends “Prophet“
We explained what Prophet does above. Click to read a review that was written about Prophet that will give you even more insight.
[button_link size=”medium” target=”_blank” src=”[button_link size=”medium” src=”https://recruitingtools.com/prophet”]Click here to try Prophet (Again)[/button_link]
Alex Moyle, Founder Elevated Recruiting
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rejwfdnz3uE” width=”500″ height=”300″]
Alex recommends “The Telephone“
Alex explains, “Don’t hide behind your email. Pick up the phone and show people that you care.”
[button_link size=”medium” target=”_blank” src=”[button_link size=”medium” src=”http://simplywallpaper.net/pictures/2010/07/16/wp3_chatter-telephone_ts3_1600x1200.jpg”]Click here to try the Telephone[/button_link]
By Ryan Leary
Ryan Leary helps create the processes, ideas and innovation that drives RecruitingDaily. He’s our in-house expert for anything related to sourcing, tools or technology. A lead generation and brand buzz building machine, he has built superior funnel systems for some of the industries top HR Tech and Recruitment brands. He is a veteran to the online community and a partner here at RecruitingDaily.
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