Using Google Plus for Recruiting and SourcingGoogle Plus is a hidden treasure trove for recruiters and yet it is still largely undiscovered and unutilized by many recruiters. Many people write it off with the belief that no one uses Google Plus. Well, that’s not entirely true. People do still use it and you can use Google Plus for recruiting.

Google Plus is integrated into Google search results so if a candidate is on this platform – or any other Google platform – then chances are you can find them on Google Plus too.

Why Use Google Plus?

Besides being another place to share your jobs, there are three key reasons to use Google Plus.

  1. Sourcing candidates – You can search Google Plus’s entire users by keywords such as job titles and locations.
  2. Building and sharing talent pools – Google Plus has a feature called Circles. This allows a recruiter to build talent pools of candidates in relevant sectors which they can target specific content for.
  3. Search engine optimisation – Google Plus is great for SEO purposes. It can improve a recruitment agency’s search visibility and help put them ahead of any rivals who are not on Google Plus.

Sourcing Candidates

There are two ways of searching for candidates on Google Plus – within Google Plus and a standard Google search.

Once you have created your Google Plus account searching for candidates is easy. Go to and sign in. Once signed in you will see a search box at the top of the page. Select the option for ‘People and Pages’ and then try a keyword search e.g. project manager and London.

If you are searching via a regular Google search, you can also find candidates Google Plus profiles. Begin your search with site: e.g. site: project manager lives in London.

Building Talent Pools

One of Google Plus’s most popular features is Circles. These Circles allow you to create your private groups and add candidates to them as you wish. Circles can be shared with colleagues if they are looking for the same types of candidates.

Google Plus users often create their industry-specific public circles. A recruiter can see these and expand their talent network instantly

  1. Creating your circle – To create a circle hover over the menu under the Google Plus logo and click People. Then click Your Circles and use the + button to create a new circle. When you study your Google Plus search results and browse profiles, hover your mouse over a candidate to add them to a circle you have created.
  2. Sharing your circles – Choose People then Your Circles in the top left menu. Just hover over the circle you want to share.
  3. Finding public circles – Once you start accumulating followers, you will be able to see some of their shared circles. You can use the search box at the top of the Google Plus page to search for ‘shared a circle with you’.

Google Plus SEO Benefits

Search engine optimisation is more important than ever. Most candidates will now search on Google for a job role rather than ring a recruiter. As a Google product, it is no surprise Google Plus is great for search engine optimisation. It’s not too difficult to take advantage of this fact either.

  1. Create a company page – If you have a Google Plus page and a website, then you have two chances of being found by candidates.
  2. Link your business page to your site – Linking your brand page and website helps you connect with your friends, fans, and customers. It also provides Google with information that helps determine the relevancy of your site to a user query on Google Search.
  3. Google Plus authorship – Have you ever noticed in Google search results you will see the profile photo and the name of the author? That is Google Plus. It is an excellent way to make your job listing or posts stand out on a search results page.

Visit the Online Resourcing website today and contact our Digital Marketing team who are experts in using social media platforms in recruitment.

Originally Posted on RecruitingBlogs by Mark Cook edited by Jackye Clayton

By Noel Cocca

CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.