Welcome to the Thunderdome! Well, not really. No post-apocalyptic battle cages here. Or Mel Gibson – which is a good thing for all of us. Just our brand spanking new live video series: RecruitingLive.
What is this you ask? Well, you know our daily gig. We talk news, technology and trends – with a side of snark. We provide a real voice, by the common recruiter, for the common recruiter. Blogs, podcasts, tips, Charney, industry trends, and enough pop-culture references to make Tarantino giggle in delight.
Why RecruitingLive?
Recruiting isn’t just about theories and trends. It’s about practical application. It’s about sharing information. You know, actually recruiting great people for jobs they might actually like. What a concept.
That’s the premise behind this show. Live recruiting. We’ll be hosting recruiters and sourcers live each week from all across this mad, mad recruiting world to bestow some wisdom on all things recruiting — with a live Q&A. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran, sourcing newbie, data geek or a corporate paper pusher – you can get on the line with the best people in recruiting to see how they approach different recruiting challenges.
In our inaugural episodes, we’ve lined up some heavy hitters that would give Aunty Entity and Mad Max a run for their money in the Thunderdome. Minus the fanaticism for L. Ron Hubbard (so weird), and chainmail 80’s shoulder pads, but I digress. On to the good stuff!
Our first guest is one of my favorite people in the recruiting industry – the myth, the legend, the wonderful Amy Miller. Tune in live with our collective community of recruiters, hiring managers, and general do – gooders to discuss real life recruiting, with real people. We’re putting theory aside, so put your thinking caps on and join us.
Amy is no stranger to RecruitingDaily, and has been a not so silent driving force in our community. She’s also the archetype of what a great recruiter is and should be. She holds a strong disposition for data driven recruiting directives, and has that oh so intangible trait of being able to call people on their bluffs – with polish. If you’re a recruiter, or a candidate, you want Amy in your corner. She’s authentic, she’s sharp, and she’ll put you above all else.
Amy’s Expertise
Ever had white knuckles from a bad hiring manager relationship? Maybe inadvertently burned a candidate from hiring dude ineptitude? Well, come learn how not to be simple seat filler, but a valued business partner with hiring managers. We all know how finicky the hiring manager can be its natural habitat. Amy has mastered the art of taming the beast, and garnering the oh so important even keel of mutual trust and accountability.
She’s also an expert negotiator – both on the financial and personal side, a listener, zen master, and all around good human.
Tune in – you won’t find this transparency anywhere else. Except if you work with Amy. You know who you are.

By Katrina Kibben
RecruitingDaily contributing writer and editor. I am a storyteller. A tactical problem solver. A curious mind. A data nerd. With that unique filter, I work to craft messages that strategically improve the perceptions and experiences of our clients, the people they employ and the candidates they wish to attract. I methodically review and collect research and insights to offer solution-based recommendations that meet the one-off, and not so one-off, recruiting and employer branding problems of today's global employers.
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