Successful sales people (the BIG billers) are experts at MANAGING THEIR TIME. They come in everyday ready to go and make things happen. One key trait is time organization and planning. Here is a recent training session where we went over the best practices for the recruiting workday:

Following are suggestions for making the most of your work day.

FIRST THING (15 minutes)

· Get coffee, tea, water, etc., and get settled
· Read Email
· Check Voice Mail
· View Pipeline of Activity
· Before you make ANY calls, take a few minutes to make a list of your TOP priorities for the day.
· Work closest to the placement (bottom of the pipeline) and plan your day accordingly.

PRIORITIZE your calls…

· Your first priority should be activity at the bottom of the pipeline – follow up on your pending deals, interviews, phone interviews, prep calls, debrief calls, etc.
· Confirm interviews (date, time, directions, travel)
· Prep (review the job, key people they will meet, attire, etc.) — see prep form / checklist
· Debrief (how did it go, what did you like, not like, next steps, etc.) – see debrief form / checklist

· Your next priority should be working with your MPC’s (Most Place-able Candidates) and making presentations of key open positions.
· Look for jobs you can present to them, get whatever info you need to SELL the job, then get the candidate on the phone.
· At the very least, leave a DETAILED message at home with the reason you are calling (“I have 3 new jobs to talk to you about”) and/or send an email asking them to CALL you. They key here is arranging a time to SPEAK directly to them allowing best use of your verbal skills.

· Work on targeting new candidates to recruit
· Qualify, identify possible MPC’s in your active pool
· Work on a recruiting project (source candidates for best jobs)

Time Management

Clear your head and recharge
Get away from your desk, get out of the office, and get the your blood flowing,
If you stay at your desk – surf the internet, read a book, do something relaxing, refreshing, mindless – but DON’T WORK !
Come back from lunch refreshed, rejuvenated, motivated, ready to go!

5. RECRUITING (new applicants)
Finish whatever you were working on in the morning
Or start on a secondary recruiting project

6. MARKETING (new jobs)
· Market MPC’s to potential clients to get new jobs
· Send out contracts and follow up leads
· Follow up with clients you have marketed to before

7. END OF THE DAY (last hour)
· Review pipeline of activity
· Review your list of priorities for the day to make sure you haven’t missed anything important

· Unfinished priorities from today are top of the list
· Recruiting & marketing projects for tomorrow
· Prepare call lists, gather info, etc.

· Avoid “burnout”
· Leave work at the office
· Bring work home only if they are PENDING PLACEMENTS, interview preps & debriefs, or matters that cannot wait until tomorrow. Heck we all work at night too.
· My personal philosophy – work hard, play hard


· Success breeds success (failure breeds failure)
· Surround yourself with happy, successful, positive people
· Challenge yourself / reward yourself
· Adapt to change
· Be like successful people

Have anything you would like to add to our session? Let us know. And if you would like to hear more about these and other training sessions, just contact us, we love to talk!

By Noel Cocca

CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.