The day of the un-conference has come. I’ve spent the last couple of years talking with what I thought was some of the greatest minds in recruiting. Between yesterday and today I now know this is true. What a day it’s been.
Let’s break it down. In its simplest form the conference was split in to 4 fast pace and evolving tracks one for each corner of the room. There were no sign ups or mandatory stay times, it was up to the discussion to keep your interest. Each track had a theme, but quickly took on a mind of its own. What else can you expect when you stick 75 loud and aggressive recruiters in one room? You can get another perspective from Sarah White (who btw is as awesome as they come. If you don’t know her, call her she is real smart at what she does).
Was this a cushy conference? It all depends on how you define cushy. Classy? Of course it was; @animal and @sgordon70 (antipimimp) were there and did a live show. Exotic? Yes: @BillBoorman brought his cool accent and fun? Why of course, Jason @recruitingblogs and his beautiful better half are hosting all 75+ tonight at there house…really? I need this man’s job.
Look, in the end we are recruiters with an attitude. We don’t hide from each other, we animatedly discuss our careers as topics and we always disagree with everyone else. What better way is there to spend 2 full days with people that simply get it.
I’ve met a bunch of great people of the last few years from RBC, but today I made friends. Thanks to everyone for a great turnout and wonderful conference.
I’ll send a special thanks to @jerry_albright @billboorman @ewmonster @animal @marenhogan @amyrenz @callmeslouch @radicalrecruit @sarahw79 @jennydevaughn @Kelly_mitten @punkrockhr @theredrecruiter @akiki @Ray_anne @GerryCrispin @blogging4jobs @ewmonster and @roguerecruiter
If I left you off…sorry!

By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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