Tis the season for listicles and best-of’s, right?
Here at RecruitingBlogs, we feel especially qualified to pull together your top 10’s and best-of’s because we actually have a pulse on the recruiting industry. It helps that we’re the only truly crowd-sourced recruiting blog out there. We also host recruiting events, write eBooks and blog posts, plus moderate recruiting webinars. That to say, we listen to a lot of ideas.
We’ve been busy, obviously. But we’ve been busy listening to you. And even if some voices can leave us with a headache, there are a lot of inspirations too. Our top bloggers this year took a fresh look at recruiting and made us stop to think “that’s a really f*cking good idea” more than a few times. We hope you left with some great ideas too.
This year, as our team was taking a look back on what we’ve accomplished and where we want to take our community next, our own sourcing guy – Ryan Leary – had this really cheesy idea. Background on Ryan, the guy loves sourcing tools; geeks out on the stuff, like a lot of you do, too.
His idea was to create a 12 Days of Sourcing. I think he’s taking this whole “marketing is recruiting” thing a little too seriously because now he’s stepping into my world and making campaigns. But I had to let him run with it because 1) he’s one of the owners of RecruitingBlogs and 2) it’s actually a pretty good idea.
He went out and talked to some of the best in our industry to get 12 ideas he could share with you – 1 per day for 12 days. There are sourcing tips, hacks, and videos – all tips and tricks that we are not going to be publishing anywhere else on any our sites. I guess it’s our exclusive “list” this holiday season, whether you were naughty or nice.
That was a really bad Santa pun, sorry.
Regardless, I really think you should sign up now. Like now, now. We’re closing registration Monday at midnight.
For those of you not into this whole Santa thing, if you love recruiting tools and hacks – you’ll get 12 of them. And I will try to make sure Ryan doesn’t use any more bad holiday puns. One is enough.
Psst. Happy holidays from all of us to all of you.

By Katrina Kibben
RecruitingDaily contributing writer and editor. I am a storyteller. A tactical problem solver. A curious mind. A data nerd. With that unique filter, I work to craft messages that strategically improve the perceptions and experiences of our clients, the people they employ and the candidates they wish to attract. I methodically review and collect research and insights to offer solution-based recommendations that meet the one-off, and not so one-off, recruiting and employer branding problems of today's global employers.
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