Welcome to a new week recruiters. We hope everyone enjoyed their weekends and more importantly enjoyed their Mother’s day. Although yesterday might have been a designated day, it is never too late to reach out to your mother and express appreciation for the things they do.

And at the risk of blowing a good segue- it is never too late to check in with your non- active candidates. Those resumes that sit idle in your filing cabinet, or the names you continually skip by in your ATS. It is never too late recruiters to check in and see what is new in their world. A simple open ended question like ‘what is new on your end?’ or ‘can you update me on the status of your search?’ can go a very long way in uncovering new activity.

Time and time again I see recruiters shy away from these simple questions. Perhaps it is the fear of possibly rocking the boat or hearing things you don’t want to hear, but it is so important to stay in the mix. One day each month I make it a point to clear my schedule and just do simple check ins with my less active candidates. Occasionally as a result of this exercise, individuals will provide new insights that suddenly move them to my hot list, and/or provide candidate/client referrals. I find it always worthwhile, but more importantly it keeps me in front of my candidates. Exactly the place I want to be.

So keep that in mind recruiters that is never to late to do the little things that will go a long way in keeping your desk productive. Make it a great week recruiters and as always be sure to check out our ‘Around the Industry‘ section for all the latest staffing news and press releases. Updated all day everyday to keep you an expert.

Also if you did not have a chance to read Noel’s great post last week on why recruiters beat out job boards than please do. It topped last week’s content on RecruitingBlogs and continues to spark conversation. Follow us on Twitter @RecruitingDaily to weigh in with your thoughts.