Robin Hood Tactics for Sourcing Top Talent

Whether you’re with an agency or in-house, lately you’re likely to be facing more requisitions for  robinhood_art“local candidates preferred”. It’s challenging when you aren’t in the location you’re recruiting for.

What would Robin Hood do? Try pulling a few of these arrows out of your quiver and find out how easy it is to shoot the apple off the Hiring Manager’s head.

Make friends with the Membership Director at the Chamber of Commerce. Chambers are in the business of connecting people. They know all the key people at their members’ companies. If you are local, join the Chamber and then get on a committee. If you work for a company chances are it is a member and as an employee you have privileges. If it’s not, make a business case for the expense. There is no better networking opportunity. If you tend to do a lot of recruiting for another location join that Chamber. They have inexpensive individual professional memberships available.

Reach out to the local office of economic development. The Director of Workforce Development is sure to be a blood hound on the trail of workforce initiatives for the area and busy consulting companies on how to develop and where to find talent. Along with that comes the knowledge of who is about to downsize, who just did, and tons of important contacts. This is what I do for a living so I know! I receive many calls and resumes from job seekers because they know I’m connected. I’m more than happy to help them because my job is to help the community (I love my new job Wilkes-Barre!).

Don’t forget to establish some relationships with the Career Specialists at the branch of the State Employment Office where you are recruiting for. They know the newly unemployed. They are there to help them find new jobs. They love help finding people jobs.

The Directors of non-profits are connected with vast networks of professionals on their Boards and the volunteers they count on to get their legal work done, computers networked, fundraising accomplished, etc. They are always delighted to be able to “pay back” via referrals and contacts.

I forgot to tell you I put curare on the tips…..

About Karla Porter:

354375eKarla keeps busy by trying to change the world and using food analogies and clichés in her writing.  She is the Director of Workforce Development at the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce and Partner at First Investment Real Estate, Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

Karla Porter’s Specialties:

New Media, Community Partnerships, Recruiting, Retention Strategies, Public Speaking, Motivational & Sales Techniques & Coaching, CRM, Mayan Riviera & International Real Estate / Luxury property, Fundraising.

Connect with Karla here:

By Noel Cocca

CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.