github hovercard


This GitHub Hovercard add-on makes locating info simple and easy

GitHub Hovercard is an extension that makes accessing information on and from GitHub quick and simple! Created by GitHub user Justineo, the extension is available for Chrome and a variety of other browsers.

Once the GitHub Hovercard extension is installed, simply hover the mouse over a GitHub link and a box will appear on the screen containing key information from the page. This works for a variety of link types, including to user pages and issues.

  • Hovering over a link to a user profile will bring up information including the name, username, follower and following counts, repo count, user location, and more.
  • Hovering over a link to a repository will bring up a box displaying the stars, forks, and issues in the repository, as well as a short description and outline.
  • Hovering over a link to an issue will bring up a box display the issue’s contents.
  • Hovering over a link to a commit will display some key information, such as the user, date, files changed, likes, and tags.

The great thing about the GitHub Hovercard is that it works not only within GitHub but also on other sites that contain links to GitHub. It is a versatile extension and saves users a great deal of time and energy that is normally spent opening up new pages. Though simple, it works quickly and is a convenient addition to anyone’s set of tools! ~ Noel Cocca


See what Dean Da Costa has to say below.

