eHire Survey says Retail Industry Feeling Bullish about Hiring in 2012 »
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) October 27, 2011 The recession has hit the retail industry hard over the last couple of years. Many retail businesses are still struggling in 2011 with Blockbuster and Borders being examples of major chains that have closed their doors. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Retail Salesperson is the largest occupation in the United States as of May 2010 making up 3.3% of total U.S. employment with over 4 million workers. The health of the retail industry is vital to the U.S. economy. Knowing this, eHire sought to gain more information in order to better understand the current state of the retail industry as it heads into 2012.
eHire asked retail hiring managers and executives if their organization had seen headcount growth in 2011 versus 2010 with only 23% having not seen improvement. Over 50% of employers saw between 5% and 14% growth in headcount. Not surprising, 50% of that growth was Retail Personnel in the store. eHire was also pleased to see Executive and Information Technology roles rank second and third for highest headcount growth. As eHire has previously highlighted, “the unemployment rate in 2010 for all engineers was [only] 4.5 percent…for software engineers it was 4.6 percent.”
The retail industry is doing better than most industries with a problem many employers experience; recruiting and retaining talent. Only 35% of hiring managers that responded to the survey reported experiencing this difficulty. When they did experience problems, the majority of it was with Retail Personnel and Merchandising.
Read eHire Survey says Retail Industry Feeling Bullish about Hiring in 2012 now »
By Tim Spagnola
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