Get your company research done with Pathrise!


If you find yourself with the need to do some company research, we have a free tool recommendation for you. Pathrise, a company that offers career services and resources to jobhunters, has a company comparison tool available for use on their site. You can find it here on their website.

At first glance, you’re given the option to choose from a few popular comparisons, or you can choose your own companies from the dropdown lists below. There are over 200 tech companies to choose from, so if you’re looking in the tech field, this could be quite helpful. You have the ability to compare company demographics, the interview and hiring process, salary information, hiring categories, and more! Pretty cool!

We especially love the inclusion of salary information, as well as the detail that is available on company demographics. For example, you can break these down by year, and see their ratios of gender, ethnicity, and roles. This could help you figure out what kind of candidates work at a particular company. In other words, they have compiled a lot of great information, the formatting is great, and it’s free.

All in all, this is a great place to go to get your research done. Try it out and let us know what you think! ~ Noel Cocca


Look inside with Dean Da Costa:

