Happy #HireFriday Everyone. Hope everyone had a great week and had the opportunity to take in some of the panel from yesterday’s RecruitFest. There was a lot of great discussion and information that was shared. There was also a great deal of emphasis on the importance of communication for recruiters- on all levels, and I thought one great quote from yesterday was the following;

@joegerstandt Do not treat people like you want to be treated…treat them the way they want to be treated.

For anyone that missed yesterday be sure to check out RecruitFest for more information.

We are wrapping up the first full week for October and hopefully you are on course to hit your numbers. If not- it might be worth taking a few moments over the weekend to re-evaluate your monthly plan. The final push is on to finish ’10 strong!

And now a quick look at the week’s top industry stories from Around the Industry;

Using Twitter and Facebook to Find a Job »

Top 25 Cities for Tech Jobs »

Social Media: the Most Powerful Recruiting Tool Since the Telephone »

Results of the Job Board Future survey are here! »

Failure to Retain Talent Costing UK Businesses Billions »

As always if you have news (press releases, articles, etc) that you would like to feature in our Around the Industry – send an Email to [email protected] to be added into next week’s rotation.

Have a great weekend everyone!

[Image Source: Flickr]