2012 Social Media in Recruitment Conference Programme Confirmed »

(PRWEB) January 23, 2012

The conference programme for the fourth Social Media in Recruitment Conference on the 19th April 2012 has been confirmed by Mike Taylor from Web Based Recruitment. The Conference has been designed to help Recruiters, Recruitment Agencies, Recruitment Advertising Agencies, Job Boards and Recruitment Industry suppliers get the most from using Social Media in Recruitment.

“Social media continues to play an increasingly important role in recruitment and we are delighted to offer such a varied programme, with each of the speakers having a unique insight into how social media is being used” said Mike Taylor, organiser of the Conference. “Once again we will be featuring the latest social recruiting trends, case studies and best practice examples. So whether you are recruiting in the private or public sector there is something in the programme for everyone, covering both beginners and experienced users of social media.”

Having launched Europe’s first ever Social Media in Recruitment Conference back in July 2009, Taylor is aware of how much social media has changed traditional recruitment methods. “At our first conference in 2009 the idea of using social media as part of a recruitment strategy was totally new to a lot of delegates. Some three years later the emphasis is now on “how” to get the most from using social media as opposed to “why” to use social media in recruitment.”

Conference Subject Areas

The subject areas to be covered at the Conference will include:

– Social media in recruitment – past, present and future
– How companies have embraced Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to recruit top talent
– The best ways to build a talent pipeline for future hires
– How job seekers use social media when job hunting and what they expect to see from employers
– How to develop and manage a global social media strategy
– How to use social media to engage with potential hires and develop talent communities
– Tools, tips & techniques to help you manage your daily social media activities
– How social media can make your company stand out from the crowd and become irresistible!
– Previous delegates social media success stories
– How to incorporate mobile as part of a recruitment strategy
Social Media Question Time

Full details of the programme can be found at: [http://www.socialmediainrecruitment.com/programme-2012/

Exhibition Area & Sponsorship

As part of the conference there will also be an exhibition area where delegates will be able to talk to companies and see demonstrations of various social media related products and services. “We introduced the expo area at the recent Mobile and Video in Recruitment Conference in November 2011 and it went down well with delegates. We have therefore decided to make an Expo Area available for the Social Media in Recruitment Conference to help delegates see a live demonstration of a product or service in action” continued Taylor.

“Getting involved as a sponsor or exhibitor at the 2012 Social Media in Recruitment Conference offers forward-thinking companies the opportunity to promote their products and services to a targeted audience and at the same time be seen as supporting one of the major social media events of the year.“

£50 Discount Until 31st January 2012

Any conference tickets purchased by the 31st January 2012 will include a £50 discount. Group ticket discounts are also available.

Further Information

Full details of the 2012 Social Media in Recruitment Conference can be found at: http://www.socialmediainrecruitment.com (Twitter Hashtag – #SMIR).

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