Low-code digital toolkit provider Skuid acquired InFlight, whose solutions help enterprises modernize business applications and improve their digital employee experience.
The combination melds Skuid’s ability to craft modern, transactional user experiences and InFlight’s integrations with existing systems of record. As a result, Skuid said, enterprises can quickly create web-based, accessible talent acquisition and experience apps while increasing their control of the user experience.
With the acquisition, customers can “leverage the unique human-centered design approach of Skuid with more data integrations in the HCM and applicant tracking solution areas,” said Skuid CEO Ryan Niemann.
James La Brash, InFlight’s founder and CEO, added that InFlight will “dramatically” expand Skuid’s “design and creation efficiencies” by simplifying the user experience and the adoption of new apps, features and functions.
Deeper HR Capabilities
Customers use Skuid to build applications for workforce needs, including portals, audit, compliance and risk apps, as well as apps addressing needs in recruiting and retention, onboarding, and time management and reporting. The acquisition extends Skuid’s HR vertical by adding deeper integrations with HCM platforms such as PeopleSoft, Workday and SAP SuccessFactors.
In a blog post, Niemann said InFlight brings with it capabilities such as a Next Level Transformation (NLX) script library that captures and makes available data from older HCM systems, plus user interface templates and a content management system.
“With the ability to easily craft modern user experiences with Skuid, backed by InFlight integrations, enterprises can quickly create web-based, fully accessible apps across their people-facing stack,” he wrote.
In an interview, Niemann said the combination’s logic was quickly evident to both companies’ executives. “They were a solution platform with an immense amount of flexibility, and we’re a low code/no code platform,” he said. That, “really started to accelerate the ideas and the unification roadmap, such that we started to see not only was this viable, but really the combination of the two opened up new capabilities for existing customers.”
The combined company will be marketed primarily under the Skuid brand, although “a number of aspects of InFlight … will be included into the brand,” Niemann said.
According to The Wall Street Journal, InFlight brings 45 new employees to Skuid, increasing the company’s full-time staff to 200. The company plans to release details on its plans and roadmap for integrating InFlight in the near future.

By Mark Feffer
Mark Feffer is executive editor of RecruitingDaily and the HCM Technology Report. He’s written for TechTarget, HR Magazine, SHRM, Dice Insights, TLNT.com and TalentCulture, as well as Dow Jones, Bloomberg and Staffing Industry Analysts. He likes schnauzers, sailing and Kentucky-distilled beverages.
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