Holland Dombeck McCue

Holland Dombeck McCue plays in the employment branding and B2B marketing space and currently heads up Recruitment Marketing and Global Employer Branding for Delta Air Lines. Holland leads the Talent Brand Alliance marketing committee.

Content authored by Holland Dombeck McCue

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Forging an Industry Through Community: Introducing Talent Brand Alliance


Talent Brand Alliance (TBA) is the brainchild of Bryan Chaney, Director Employer Brand at Indeed, and Will Staney, CEO and Founder of Proactive Talent, who knew that in order for the industry to move forward, we first had to give back. The duo formed a scrappy Facebook group that slowly gained traction through WoM.

Content Marketing and Job Descriptions: A Recruiter’s Guide to A/B Testing


If you’ve read it in a blog post once, you’ve seen it re-tweeted, re-shared and re-posted 1000x:Recruiting=marketing. Or to some degree, recruiters should adopt elements of marketing into their strategy… Read more

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