Barb Hyman

Barb Hyman is an HR executive turned Ai startup CEO. With a diverse background across law, the arts, technology and HR, this unique perspective has led her on a mission to reinvent how organizations make the most important decisions in business – who to hire and who to promote. She believes technology can help us truly humanize recruitment.

Content authored by Barb Hyman

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What HR Can Learn From The Social Dilemma


What HR Can Learn From The Social Dilemma Netflix’s latest documentary The Social Dilemma” tells a story of data gone mad. Of data being used to personalize ‘the truth’ so… Read more

The End of Coddling


The End of Coddling I live in Melbourne, Australia. When I speak to customers overseas they all sympathize with the restrictions imposed on us as a result of COVID-19. We… Read more

Could ‘Personalized Work’ Be What We Aim For Post-Covid?


Could ‘Personalized Work’ Be What We Aim For Post-COVID? Last week, the jewel of Australia’s tech sector, Atlassian, was lauded for giving staff the privilege of working from home –… Read more

Never Waste A Crisis


Never Waste A Crisis For any business with volumes in the thousands and hiring in single-digit %, automating screening and assessment is something they have no choice but to do. … Read more

An Unlikely Recruit


A few weeks ago, I confessed my imposter syndrome on social media. That I was, and still am, the least likely candidate to run an Ai tech company. I am… Read more

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