Shiran Danoch
Shiran is an IO psychologist with an expertise in employee selection and a PhD in people analytics. Informed Decisions is her 2nd HR-Tech startup focused on tracking and disrupting bias for better, more equitable, hiring decisions. She is highly passionate about creating work environments where people decisions are made based on data. In addition to being an entrepreneur, Shiran is devoting her career to building teams, products, and supporting companies to make data-driven talent decisions. She also serves as an advisor for other HR-Tech startups.
Content authored by Shiran Danoch
Recruitment Reimagined: CEOs Become Candidates
I recently came across a post by Lars Behrendt on LinkedIn that sparked a lively debate. It got me thinking: What if a CEO applied for a position at their… Read more
Use ‘Pointing and Calling’ To Reduce Interview Bias
The “pointing and calling” method is a safety protocol used by the Japanese railway system to reduce the risk of human error and ensure the trains operate safely. The method… Read more