HCM Social Media Strategies that Actually Work" cover_image_url="https://recruitingdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/HCM-social-media-is-not-rocket-science.png" bgcolor="#f5f5f5" txtcolor="#1a1c1d" accent_color="#1899ff" font_family="Roboto"]
HCM social media is not rocket science
This post might be a bit shorter …
… although we encourage you to listen to Ryan and William’s conversation (embedded above), which is also only about 4-5 minutes. The entire premise of the conversation is that social media is not that challenging, in all reality. We make it very challenging and overly-complicated it sometimes, but it doesn’t need to be — especially in the world of HCM and trying to sell or grow adjacent to that world.
A couple of easy quick hitters
Be where your prospects are:
There are some very active HCM and recruiting Facebook Groups. LinkedIn Groups have largely become article-sharing spam for many, but some gems remain. Broader LinkedIn is great depending on your network, and obviously great for researching people’s career arcs.
Twitter can be as great as an amplification platform.
Instagram is good for branding, but is someone necessarily going to buy HCM off an IG post? No. But Stories is a great place to showcase the internal culture.
Snapchat? The jury is still out on its role in HCM, but it can be used creatively.
Pinterest? Not really at all. Just go where the people are and be mindful of what else is working where they are.
Look at LinkedIn as a primary example. Dudes like Adam Karpiak share HR-related memes all day and get massive levels of engagement. It might not be the first strategy you considered, but that’s where people are and what people are responding to, so … think about it.
Don’t get distracted with shiny objects:
You don’t need some amazing video every day, or Oprah-level audio, or to be dancing around with AR/VR opportunities. You can try out these things and see how hard and lengthy the process of producing something of very high quality is, sure. But don’t get distracted, run your people in circles, and spend a lot of money.
It’s much more important to have consistent, quality content that people can find and that you can cycle into many different conversations.
Don’t just share links:
So many in the HCM space just share links — a blog, a long-form white paper, a webinar invite, etc. Eventually, this gets boring. The better “strategy” is to turn your asset into a question, such as “What’s the biggest challenge of onboarding right now?” and let some replies flow in. Engage with those replies. As you engage, you will have opportunities to share a white paper or webinar link. But if that’s all you blast out, people will tune you out.
Look at what other people are doing:
Don’t straight up copy them, no, but see what works and what people respond to.
Beware of current moments:
Don’t spend a ton of sales-y stuff in the current #coronavirus moment, for example. People and companies are worried about budgets, payroll, layoffs, and making ends meet. They probably aren’t active buyers at this moment, unless you have a very remote-friendly opportunity for them. “Read the room,” if you will.
Social doesn’t have to be rocket science. You got this.
The RecruitingDaily Podcast

William Tincup
William is the President & Editor-at-Large of RecruitingDaily. At the intersection of HR and technology, he’s a writer, speaker, advisor, consultant, investor, storyteller & teacher. He's been writing about HR and Recruiting related issues for longer than he cares to disclose. William serves on the Board of Advisors / Board of Directors for 20+ HR technology startups. William is a graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a BA in Art History. He also earned an MA in American Indian Studies from the University of Arizona and an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.
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