Melissa Sepp

Melissa Sepp is a growth manager at Hundred5, a hiring tool that makes recruiting faster and more diverse by screening applicants' job skills in the beginning of the recruitment process. Melissa believes in hiring based on skills not resumes, and together with Hundred5 is on a mission to make recruiting more modern and equal. Follow her on Twitter @melissasepp or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Content authored by Melissa Sepp

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7 Tools​ ​That​ Can ​Help​ ​You​ ​Recruit​ ​More​ ​Diverse​ ​Candidates


We all know that diversity in the workplace is extremely important. People with different cultural backgrounds, age groups, gender, opinions, and experience make the team stronger and more efficient. We… Read more

Quit ​Focusing on Resumes​! ​You’re ​Better Off Hiring​ ​for​ ​Skills


As harsh as it may sound, resumes are nothing more than words on paper. They all look more or less the same. Some candidates try to stand out by using… Read more

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