Jayson Saba
Jayson Saba is VP of Strategy and Industry Relations at Ceridian. Prior to Ceridian, Jayson was an analyst at Aberdeen Group’s Human Capital Management practice. As the lead analyst for Core HR, Workforce Management, and Outsourcing, Jayson published over 100 research papers and reports about technology and best practices. Jayson is a frequent contributor to industry and trade magazines including HR Executive, PayTech, HROToday, Workforce Management, Talent Management and The Economist. He regularly presents at HR conferences and trade shows. Follow him on Twitter @JaysonSaba.
Content authored by Jayson Saba
What The Hobby Lobby Ruling Means for Candidate Experience
Companies aren’t allowed to discriminate in recruitment services based on religious beliefs, and this is why recruiters and hiring managers typically refrain from asking or telling about religion throughout the process. But… Read more
The Death of Job Boards: Why Zappos Is The Final Nail in the Coffin
Zappos recent news that they would eliminate job postings entirely signals the final nail has been driven into the coffin of job boards for recruitment.