There are quite a few sourcing tools out there, but we have one made by the greatest sourcing geniuses from across the earth: Dean Da Costa.

Dean has 30+ years in the industry, and has a heavy focus on efficiency. He spends quite a lot of time organizing and optimizing his sourcing workflow, almost to the point of sheer sanity. Now, he wants to pass his efficiency down to you!

I heard he loves sourcing so much that he named his kid Boolean.

He offers a demo version that will let you test the web application to see if you get hooked, and we recommend you check it out here.  But, we just want you to understand that’s just the tip of the iceberg. About 15% of the total scope of application is in the demo.

Application Details

  • Bulk search multiple search engines in one fell swoop
  • A bounty of image website to cross reference pictures, or reverse image search across multiple platforms
  • Real Name search sites to reverse lookup someone’s username
  • User Name lookup to uncover a person’s social accounts
  • Search with telephone numbers and match it to a person
  • Quickly search multiple common file extensions on Google
  • Xray & Bookmark Searches
  • Quick access to multiple free tools across the internet.

The Pro Toolkit brings quite a few enhancements from its free build. He has put extensive effort into making sure that recruiters and sourcers of all skill levels can benefit from his tool.

What you’ll be getting from this transaction:

  • The Pro Sourcing Toolkit by Dean, and not just this current build but any future versions he will create. He is constantly updating and improving this tool so this will receive support into the future.
  • A sourcing video tutorial running through his toolkit, giving you all the insight you need to get started.
  • The jump start you need in your sourcing journey to save time, find new prospects, and become the sourcer your parents always knew you could be.